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I.G.N.I.T.E. Offers Inmates New Life Skills


Submitted to the Carlsbad Local

First responders in Eddy County believe participation in a new program will help inmates become more productive members of society.

Detention Center Warden Billy Massingill and Sheriff Mark Cage recently celebrated the launch of the I.G.N.I.T.E. program in Eddy County. Sheriff James Custer and Warden John Lenkey also joined Commissioner Chairman James “Bo” Bowen at the kickoff.

“We are committed to improving our correctional facility and the lives of those within it,” Massingill said. “IGNITE will play a pivotal role in achieving that goal by reducing recidivism, enhancing safety, and fostering positive change.”

I.G.N.I.T.E. stands for Inmate Growth Naturally and Intentionally Through Education. It’s an initiative through the National Sheriff’s Association. Eddy County is the 20th IGNITE site in the nation and the first in New Mexico.

The program aims to reduce recidivism rates by teaching inmates life and work skills that will help break the cycle of incarceration. This means inmates will have increased access to educational opportunities, including vocational training and GED prepa

ration. They will also be taught life skills, such as financial management and conflict resolution.

According to the data provided, only 10 percent of inmates at the county jail go on to state or federal prison. That means most inmates quickly return to their community. I.G.N.I.T.E. seeks to ensure that their time in incarceration is put to good use.

This collaborative effort will include area educators, mental health providers, and local businesses. Long-term success will be measured by participants’ ability to reintegrate into society. The Eddy County Detention Center is pursuing partners to assist with the I.G.N.I.T.E. program. For more information, please call (575) 887-7556 Ext, 5001.

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